Category: music

  • Fugazi to reform, release best-of, and tour with new line-up

    Fugazi to reform, release best-of, and tour with new line-up

    With At The Drive-In and even Refused recently announcing reunion performances, it was enough to ignite hope of a reunion in the hearts of long-suffering Fugazi fans. But now the band is finally coming off ‘indefinite hiatus’, I’m not sure it’s what I wanted…

  • This is why I’m deaf and blind

    CONTAINS STROBING I don’t know what you did at Christmas this year and you could argue – quite rightly – that it’s none of my business. But here’s what I did: I cut together a load of video footage I’d shot of great bands throughout 2007. What I did next was completely fail to publish…

  • Single Frame interview

    Hey! Have you heard? Single Frame have gone digital! If that means nothing to you, then you’ve pointed your browser at the right website. Let me explain: Single Frame are a very good band from Austin, Texas who at the time of writing have been active for around eight years. Their diverse creative palette merges…

  • What we all want: a new Gang of Four album?

    Well here it comes: according to bassist Dave Allen, there’s a new all-digital Gang of Four album in the works. If I had to point the finger at just one, I’d say that Gang of Four’s first release Entertainment! is possibly my favourite album ever, and the follow-ups Solid Gold and companion EP Another Day,…

  • Gay Against You at The Good Ship

    Gay Against You at The Good Ship on Vimeo As you can see from the video, Glasgow-based electronic two-piece Gay Against You know how to make an impression. Granted, their music sometimes makes me feel a bit queasy, but that’s all part of the experience. Probably. My band, Hundreds, Tens & Units, had the privilege…

  • Les Savy Fav and cLOUDDEAD at All Tomorrow’s Parties

    The physics of a bicycle. Isn’t it remarkable?

  • Better Weird Than Dead

    Naomi Scott has launched her new London-based antifolk record label, Better Weird Than Dead.

  • The Chap: Courage + Modesty

    The Chap: playing proper songs for real folk.

  • Save our Spitz!

    The Spitz is going to be evicted by its evil landlords! So you should sign the highly intimidating online petition. That’ll show ’em.

  • BARR at the Luminaire

    BARR is back. And he’s multiplied!