Fugazi to reform, release best-of, and tour with new line-up
With At The Drive-In and even Refused recently announcing reunion performances, it was enough to ignite hope of a reunion in the hearts of long-suffering Fugazi fans. But now the band is finally coming off ‘indefinite hiatus’, I’m not sure it’s what I wanted…
This is why I’m deaf and blind
CONTAINS STROBING I don’t know what you did at Christmas this year and you could argue – quite rightly – that it’s none of my business. But here’s what I did: I cut together a load of video footage I’d shot of great bands throughout 2007. What I did next was completely fail to publish…
Single Frame interview
Hey! Have you heard? Single Frame have gone digital! If that means nothing to you, then you’ve pointed your browser at the right website. Let me explain: Single Frame are a very good band from Austin, Texas who at the time of writing have been active for around eight years. Their diverse creative palette merges…
What we all want: a new Gang of Four album?
Well here it comes: according to bassist Dave Allen, there’s a new all-digital Gang of Four album in the works. If I had to point the finger at just one, I’d say that Gang of Four’s first release Entertainment! is possibly my favourite album ever, and the follow-ups Solid Gold and companion EP Another Day,…
Gay Against You at The Good Ship
Gay Against You at The Good Ship on Vimeo As you can see from the video, Glasgow-based electronic two-piece Gay Against You know how to make an impression. Granted, their music sometimes makes me feel a bit queasy, but that’s all part of the experience. Probably. My band, Hundreds, Tens & Units, had the privilege…
Les Savy Fav and cLOUDDEAD at All Tomorrow’s Parties
The physics of a bicycle. Isn’t it remarkable?
Better Weird Than Dead
Naomi Scott has launched her new London-based antifolk record label, Better Weird Than Dead.
The Chap: Courage + Modesty
The Chap: playing proper songs for real folk.
Save our Spitz!
The Spitz is going to be evicted by its evil landlords! So you should sign the highly intimidating online petition. That’ll show ’em.
BARR at the Luminaire
BARR is back. And he’s multiplied!